
Brazil’s indigenous guardians of the Amazon
By Flora Charner, Isa Soares, Waffa Munayyer, CNN, and Apu Gomes
Published 12:59 AM EDT, Tue August 27, 2019
Deep in the heart of the Amazon, Ajareaty Waiapi performs one of her tribe’s most traditional rituals.
Gasping for life: Syria’s merciless war on its own children
By Clarissa Ward, Waffa Munayyer, Salma Abdelaziz, and Fiona Sibbett, CNN
Updated 12:20 PM EST, Tue February 26, 2019
She stares off into the distance as she gasps for air, her tiny chest heaving desperately to take in more oxygen.
ISIS has been reduced to 1.5 square miles in Syria. This is its final stand.
By Ben Wedeman, Waffa Munayyer and Gabriel Chaim
Updated 12:31 PM EST, Tue February 26, 2019
“They broke us, I swear to God. [ISIS] broke us,” the tall man said. He was thin, in his mid-thirties, his face drawn with exhaustion, his eyes hollow.
Rare drone footage shows Yemen frontline city in ruins
By Nick Paton Walsh, Waffa Munayyer and Gabriel Chaim, CNN
Updated 11:50 AM EDT, Wed May 16, 2018
It is a war you rarely see, but one that defines the US’ relationship with Iran and Saudi Arabia in the Middle East.
Saved from the rubble: Syrian girl given second chance by rescuer
By Arwa Damon, Waffa Munayyer and Bryony Jones, CNN
Updated 7:33 AM EDT, Thu September 15, 2016
Before the civil war tore their country apart, Mohammed Alaa Al-Jaleel and Doha Al-Mohammed lived ordinary lives: He as an electrician, she as a schoolgirl.
Exclusive: Iraqis pack up a lifetime as they flee ISIS-held Mosul in the dark of night
Story By Ben Wedeman and Waffa Munayyer, CNN Video and photographs by Gabriel Chaim, for CNN
Updated 2:07 PM EST, Tue February 26, 2019
The soldiers are on edge, peering nervously into the dark. They can make out the sound of people – they can never know whom – approaching their position on this mountainside overlooking Mosul.
Bride of ISIS: From ‘happily ever after’ to hell
By Ben Wedeman and Waffa Munayyer, CNN
Updated 10:24 AM EDT, Wed April 26, 2017
Islam and Ahmed met online, looking for their “happily ever after” through a Muslim dating site.
Syrians caught between regime and rebels as Idlib offensive looms
By Ben Wedeman, Tamara Qiblawi, Waffa Munayyer, and Kareem Khadder, CNN
Updated 9:42 AM EST, Wed February 27, 2019
As a large-scale military campaign in Syria’s last rebel stronghold looms, Syrians on both sides of the divide are bracing for a bloody battle.
Raqqa in ruins: Drone footage reveals devastation in ISIS’ stronghold in Syria
By Kara Fox and Waffa Munayyer, CNN
Updated 8:22 AM EDT, Tue August 29, 2017
The streets are eerily empty, with few signs of life in sight. Plumes of smoke billow from the top floors of hollowed out buildings.
This all-female TV station is bringing women's issues to Afghanistan's attention
Story by Kara Fox and Waffa Munayyer
Video by Aleem Agha and Jenny Marc
Journalists, editors and producers gather for an editorial meeting in a coral painted building in Afghanistan's capital, Kabul.
The day's agenda? Women.
Syria photographer takes action instead of pictures, picks up injured boy
By Donie O'Sullivan, Waffa Munayyer and Hamdi Alkhshali, CNN
Updated 10:43 AM EDT, Tue April 18, 2017
Every so often, a photograph cuts through the grim cacophony of the war in Syria and pierces viewers’ hearts.
German teenage ISIS wife wed at 15. Two children later she faces uncertain future
By Atika Shubert, Jana Andert, Waffa Munayyer and Nadine Schmidt, CNN
Updated 12:40 PM EST, Tue February 26, 2019
Lenora Lemke sits in a car packed with all her belongings, shielded from the desert sun by a large carpet that hangs over the roof.